Need An Appraisal?

We’re the experts in Southern Colorado appraisals.

For improved residential or vacant land, my knowledge of local neighborhoods within my coverage areas, and formal training as a Certified Residential Appraiser make me qualified to provide home and land appraisals in Southern Colorado for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.  I offer appraisals for mortgage transactions (purchase, refinance, equity, etc.), private appraisals (estate, listing consideration, private purchases, etc.), high value or complex properties, manufactured/mobile homes, land, home and land division, and many more.  I also offer consulting on a wide range of appraisal a real property aspects.  As a fourth generation Southern Colorado Native, and appraising Southern Colorado for 20 plus years.  I have the knowledge and experience to assist you with your real property needs.

Call us today at  719-657-2769.

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